
Anxiety :11 Ultimate Tips to Help Students Flourish.

First of all, Anxiety is so common and most people experience it at some point in their lives. And In this blog, we explain what it is, and the common symptoms in students and share some useful coping strategies.
Have you ever had a stressful day where you couldn’t focus on what you were supposed to be doing? And It could be an exam or assignment but the feeling is the same.

This is known as anxiety, and it can be very common. However if you’re struggling with an anxiety disorder, the consequences can be serious, so it’s important to seek help and find ways to stress-free your day.

What Is Anxiety?

First of all, Anxiety is a type of mood disorder that is characterized by feelings of apprehension, fear, or worry too. And these feelings can also be accompanied by physical symptoms like heart palpitations, sweating, or shaking too. In other words anxiety may affect both your mental and physical health.

While the exact causes of anxiety are not fully understood, it is often associated with traumatic experiences or anticipation of future events. Furthermore, anxiety disorders are thought to be the most common mental health problem in the United Kingdom.

While some people experience only a few anxiety symptoms, on the other hand, others can suffer from a full-blown anxiety disorder. Likewise, if you are experiencing anxiety symptoms, it’s important to know the signs of anxiety in order to seek help.

But what are the common Symptoms of Anxiety in students?

To begin with, these are the most common symptoms of anxiety although the list is not exhaustive. If you are a student and experiencing any of these, take notice.

Feeling restless or on edge.
Difficulty concentrating
Having trouble sleeping
Losing interest in activities you normally enjoy
Panic attacks
Obsessive thoughts or images
Having an increased heart rate
Feeling shaky or lightheaded, etc.
Overthinking about the smallest things
Rejecting invitations even when you want to go out
Always feeling scared of saying something ‘wrong’ or ‘stupid’
Constantly comparing self to others
Getting nervous whenever you think about the future
Blaming yourself when others don’t reply to your messages
Feeling both physically and mentally unwell for most of the time
Finding it difficult to forgive yourself  
11 Self-Help Tips For Students To Overcome Anxiety

Due to the above symptoms and many more others, Anxiety can have a serious impact on your academic performance. For example, It can cause you to have trouble focusing and staying on university tasks, subsequently leading to lower grades. And It can also make you feel uncomfortable in social situations. Therefore trying these tips may help you manage anxiety.

1. Find a Comfortable and Relaxing Place to Study

To begin with, the best way to reduce anxiety is to focus on your studies and avoid distractions. And this is especially important if you’re feeling anxious because you might be tempted to skip classes or miss assignments. If you’re feeling anxious, you might want to try studying in a quiet and comfortable place for example your room or a library.

2. Practice Mindfulness

Furthermore, it is worth remembering how your thoughts can have a big impact on your feelings. And because Anxiety is a negative emotion, it that can often cause you to become preoccupied with negative thoughts. This therefore can lead to negative self-talk, which consequently can make you feel more anxious. Therefore the solution is to become aware of the negative thoughts and feelings you are having and then replace them with more positive thoughts.

3. Take Time for Yourself

Try to take breaks throughout the day to do something relaxing such as taking a walk or listening to music or dancing. And if you’re feeling anxious, distract yourself with a book or a video game. Students often find that spending time doing something they enjoy can help them feel better about the day.

4. Talk to someone

Because Talking is healing, try talking to a friend or family member, or professional about how you are feeling. Talking helps to calm down red-hot emotions. It usually takes the lid off the pressure cooker to stop the built-up steam. and by talking you can process and clarify the issue and regulate emotions, and relieve the anxiety.

5. Calming exercises

Calming breathing exercises may also be helpful. You can do these while standing up or sitting in a chair, or on the bed, or on the floor. First, loosen any tight clothing to allow for easy breathing.

-Then with palms facing up, place both arms away from your sides

-Then straighten your legs if standing up

-However, if sitting down bend your knees so that both feet are on the floor, then place both arms on the chair.

-After that, Breath in and out and let your breath flow as deep down into your belly as is comfortable.

-Breath in through your nostrils then out through your mouth.

-Continue breathing in gently and regularly.

-And while breathing count from 1 to 5. You may not be able to reach 5 at first.

-Then, let it flow without holding your breath, and repeat counting from 1 to 5

– Then Continue this for 3 to 5 minutes.

6 Be Active

Engaging in physical exercise and activities such as running, walking, swimming or dancing, and yoga. This is because sports can help you relax.

7. Eat Healthily

Eating a healthy diet with regular meals to keep your energy levels stable can positively impact your mood. And Good food provides your brain and body with the fuel it needs to function properly.

8. Avoid caffeine

Although Energy drinks are popular with students because they help them stay alert or improve concertation, and boost their energy levels, they have side effects. Avoid energy drinks, therefore, for instance, monster, red bull, and boost. In addition, avoid too much coffee and tea.

This is because Several studies have linked high caffeine consumption to anxiety and panic disorders.

They contain high levels of caffeine and sugar. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system (brain) to induce alertness and elevated mood. And regular use of these drinks may lead to restlessness, mood swings or irritability or anxiety, and hyperactivity.

9. Drink plenty of water

What is amazing is that most of our human bodies are made of water. The average human body is roughly 60% water. The brain and heart are made up of 73% water, blood is 92% water, and bones are 25% water. As a result, dehydration will negatively impact your mood so drink at least 2 liters of water. Read Here about the benefits of drinking water.

10. Recognize your Anxiety

Some have defined Anxiety as the fear of the unknown. Therefore, knowing about it may help ease the symptoms. Recognize your triggers. Keep journals and diaries to help challenge anxious thoughts. A dairy will help you recognize your triggers.

11. Psychoeducation

Understanding anxiety is very helpful. It can be the first step to better understanding the symptoms and making sense of what you may be feeling. It gives you an understanding of how to cope or the most appropriate treatment.

Alternatively these 20 secret mental health tips

To read more about Anxiety:

More top tips on how to cope with Anxiety:

Mental Health Support services

Bottom Line

We live in a fast-paced world. Everyone is busy, and we often feel stressed out by all the pressure on us to succeed. And It is so stressful that it seems like we can’t even function anymore.

You probably feel like this a lot. But most importantly that’s OK because there are steps you can take to get control of anxiety. Therefore, never lose hope and fight for your mental health and remember that you are your support!