

Getting a good night’s rest is one of the most important things you can do for your mental health. Not only will …

Many students feel inadequate and unworthy of what they hope to accomplish during their education – unfortunately, these feelings can impact academic …

Words once said, retrieving them is like trying to get eggs out of a baked cake. Forget the weapons alone, we also …

Anger is a common emotion you will experience when you feel there is a violation of your rights and personal boundaries. Behind …

Sleep is important to function properly and how much we need varies as we are different, and this changes as we get …

Anxiety can be defined as that feeling of unease as the body reacts to unfamiliar and stressful situations such as worry or …

Psychotherapy or sometimes referred to as ‘talking therapy’ offers support to people struggling with a wide range of emotional difficulties. Psychotherapists facilitate …

Drinking Alcohol has its benefits if it stays at one or two drinks. It helps you socialize, helps you stay calm and …

Depression is a word often used these days to mean different things and although that has helped with the awareness, there is …

Alcohol is a social lubricant meaning that it helps many feel comfortable and it stimulates social interactions. Going to university is exciting …

Burnout happens we encounter ongoing stress and frustration, with no time to relax and recharge. When you are studying, you are learning …

It is no secret that university can be a stressful time. With exams, assignments, and social pressures, it’s easy for students to …